Learn Czech by Reading!

Learn Czech by Reading

I love reading. I believe that if someone wants to learn a new language, they can benefit from reading extensively. I can confirm this from personal experience.



20 audio chapters

of authentic reading material suitable
for intermediate students of Czech

The whole package is an invaluable tool
for improving your Czech.

You will learn 250+ idiomatic phrases and vocabulary which will improve your ability to communicate in day to day life and the content of the texts will help to give you a better understanding of Czech life and culture.

It will help you to increase your level and become
a more confident and fluent speaker of Czech!

Content of the E-BOOK

Learn Czech by reading

is a collection of short, simple and easy to read articles
on Czech culture in the Czech language.

Articles for intermediate level

The articles have been written especially for students at intermediate level, or B1-B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

If you are a learner of Czech, all of the texts will allow you to expand your vocabulary and will give you the tools to improve your grasp of the beautiful Czech language.


Each chapter contains a glossary with English translations of the bolded words. This means you won’t have to turn to a dictionary; instead, you can keep reading and enjoying the stories.

Worksheets and key

You’ll be provided with a set of comprehension questions in Czech in the worksheets, which will give you the chance to practice the new things you have learned in the text. Don’t worry if you don’t know one of the answers — a key is provided immediately after, but in order to benefit from them make sure not to cheat by looking too soon!


Finally, you can improve your listening comprehension using the audio files that accompany each chapter. I have recorded them to help you with tricky Czech pronunciation. You can use it either as preparation before your own reading or for checking the pronunciation of difficult words. In addition, consider repeating the audio many times to accustom yourself with the rhythm of spoken Czech as well as to reinforce your understanding of the text and new vocabulary and grammar.

„I believe this is a book you will be able to read for pleasure! Research shows that if you‘re enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won‘t experience the usual feelings of frustration - ‚It‘s too hard!‘ ‚I don‘t understand!‘ It‘s so much easier to learn a new language when you‘re having fun.“

Book reviews

As a language coach of Czech for Foreigners I enjoy the book very much, because my students love the topics, Eva included in the book. Not only we can discuss with my clients Czech culture in authentic stories written with love for Czech, but it also helps them to get to know Czech culture better and find something about our history. It can be also used as an additional reading material and a prompt for discussions in the lessons or just something they can enjoy reading at home.

Mgr. Eva Pěčková, language expert, Neurolanguage Coach®

Eva, a massive thank you for this wonderful book. I have found it extremely helpful. For me it‘s perfect - its a good honest practical book, filled with vocabulary which I need and use on a day to day basis. Not only this but the book gives a great understanding of the wonderful Czech culture, from foods to seasons to Christmas etc... 10 / 10 from me!!

John Garvey, English teacher, Ireland

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